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Do you want to rent out your house? We'll show you how to sign an electricity contract and choose the best tariff to save on your bills.

One of the reasons why more and more people are choosing to rent out their homes is that it helps to amortize the investment in the apartment or house much faster. However, the truth is that to benefit from the investment, you need to make sure that you have signed up for the best electricity tariff. Only then will you be able to make real savings on your bills, as the experts at advise. But how can you do that? There are certainly many options on the market and you probably don’t have much time to look at the fine print of all the companies one by one, do you? Fortunately, there is a very simple way to find out
which electricity contracts are best for your particular case.

Where can I get the cheapest electricity?

To get electricity at a cheaper price, it is best to use an energy comparator like, which is a tool that lets you find the offers that fit best for what you are looking for in your particular case. For example, if you need to sign an electricity contract with hourly differentiation/tariff because the house is empty most of the day and the tenants spend most of the time late in the house, the online comparison will offer you the best rates in the established schedule.

Flat rate: Is it worth it?

One option offered by many providers today is the flat rate for electricity. Undoubtedly, this is a great option, since you are guaranteed to pay the same price every month, without surprises. Perfect, especially if the rent includes utilities. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you exceed the allowance, you may have to pay more for consumption. This is because the flat rate only works as long as the customer does not exceed a certain amount of consumption. Of course, some operators, such as Naturgy, offer the option that if you exceed the contracted allowance, you simply pay the monthly fee of the higher rate (e.g., if you have contracted the average consumption offer, you will be charged the higher rate if
you exceed the consumption).

How to pay the same amount per month?

Currently, there is a payment method that allows you to pay the same amount per month without having to sign a flat-rate electricity contract: payment per fixed fee. This contract model is available from suppliers such as Iberdrola and allows you to set a monthly payment for 12 months that is independent of whether your consumption is higher or lower.
Subsequently, at the end of the year, it will be determined what you have paid. The total cost of actual consumption will be set against this, so if you have paid much more, you will receive a refund. If, on the other hand, you paid less, you can pay for what you are missing with peace of mind.

What about “green tariffs?”

If you are aiming for a sustainable rental, 100% green electricity contracts are available, which guarantee that all of your consumption during the month has been purchased from a renewable energy producer. For more information about this type of tariff, see this article.

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